Ass and you shall receive
Saturday, April 13th, 2013Hello Gentlemen!
Spring seems to have finally sprung (despite that little snow scare we had this morning) and I’m feeling quite frisky 🙂 More thoroughly than just in the naughty way – I’m feeling motivated to go out and get some things done in the world, as you might be able to guess from the state of my calendar!
Where to begin… I’ve found a way to squeeze in a little play time down in Atlantic City next weekend, to go have some fun at the Exxxotica Expo and catch up with a few of my pornstar ex girlfriends. I have yet to be to a single Exxxotica event, but love the idea of it. It looks like quite the party, with a very promising guest list… including myself and the lovely Grace Sheperd, who will be joining me for the weekend. I have a feeling that we’ll be spending a lot of time in the dungeon… and I also have a feeling that I’ve finally found a place to wear my new green latex hobble skirt. Or maybe the white Marilyn dress? Or perhaps my favorite nurse’s outfit… that might be a bit much, as I have yet to persuade pasties to stay on my nipples for more than 15 minutes before popping off. Anyway, I know that I will be wearing at least *some* of my rubber wardrobe, as I certainly would whenever any of you gentlemen requested it… provided you’re patient enough to watch me slide into it…
And a very appreciative thank you to those of you who are 😉
After that we’ll both be headed home via Hartford CT, where I’ll slip into more latex and head out to the Art Cinema with Grace for more pornographic fun. Feel free to volunteer yourself to escort us out for the evening, and watch us watch porn – a double voyeur experience! I suppose it’s not totally observation only though, as we encourage audience participation from certain parties 🙂
After that you’re going to have to go and check out the calendar yourself, as there’s a little NYC, some more CT, and even some DC on there!
Of course as I’m sure most of you know, if you don’t see me coming to a certain area where you wish I was, you’re more than welcome to ask. I can’t imagine the incredible patience of some of you who will sit and wait for years (yes, years I’ve been told – how
pathetic sweet) waiting for me to somehow telepathically know that if I just booked dates for your town, you’d *finally* screw up your courage and make a date. While I’m sure that the anticipation and longing makes that eventual meeting all the more sweeter for *you*, I prefer a more masculine sort of charm to my men, possessed by gentlemen who are not afraid to reach out to me and let me know exactly what they want, and suggest how and when I might be able to give it to them. For such men, I usually give much more than asked with even more enthusiasm than obedience 🙂 Not only is it nice to feel desired, it also makes it much easier to plan my schedule around you. I’m told I have many talents, but mind reading is not one of them.
This same sort of direct attitude that I so much appreciate in my men applies to many more aspects of our date than simply the very setting of the appointment, though that is of course a very important first step. It also applies to what we’re actually going to be doing together. While even in my day job I am not a fan of overly regimented meetings and I’m sure any woman would look at you weirdly (and probably then flick a rather targeted glance from you to the door) if you showed up with a written out agenda comprising of the acts you’d like to enjoy, it is equally as annoying to try to please a man who seems to have his heart set on something specific with no intentions of actually letting me know what that is, as though he’d rather leave disappointed than face the possible embarrassment of telling another living soul what he’s after in bed. That’s a sad state of being and I do truly feel sorry for you if that’s your situation, but sorry ≠sexy and I’ve really got no interest in mercy fvcking… So, unless you’ve got a serious fetish for charades, you’d be best to go ahead and tell me what you want! I especially enjoy men who’ll grab me close and whisper their dirty desires in my ear, tell me what they want me to do, how they like it, and make me describe how I’m going to do it to them. And make it sound wonderfully sexy, scandalous and dirty… I love it.
Taking a slight step back for the steamy mental image of you telling me exactly how you’d like to, umm… fill in the blank… there are a few things that probably should be said before the session. If I’m traveling and you really had envisioned seeing me in a certain type of outfit, a particular shoe, or with a certain apparatus, I’ll be better able to accommodate your request if you let me know while I’m still in the packing process. A good part of my riding crop collection, while beautiful (I really have to post the latest photos I took with the rose bud crop I got to celebrate spring, though a nice bouquet might suit me better) is just a bit too long to fit well into any suitcase I currently own. They do get out of the house occasionally, but admittedly only by special request (either yours or mine, lol). Same with many of my more elaborate electrotoys, and my swarovski crystal bra lingerie set.
Please don’t take any of this as a complaint – I do enjoy special requests a great deal. But you’ve got to ask – nothing disappoints me more than breaking out a fresh pair of 10 dernier silk stockings with seed pearl seams only to find that I’ve gone to meet a man that cares nothing for hosiery and in fact finds garter clips infuriating. Also disappointing is finding myself in bed with a playmate who is responding wonderfully to nipple play… only to realize that I’ve left my snake bite cups, tweezer clamps, and clothespins at home. Slightly less disappointing as I *am* quite resourceful, but still – I could have done better with a little time to gather my thoughts at home, where I have my entire arsenal at my disposal 🙂
And please, don’t just think that you’re offering me packing or wardrobe advice when you think of seductive little tidbits to throw into your emails while we’re looking forward to our fantastic night together. Once we’re through the initial introductions (and I’ve verified exactly who I’m being introduced to) we can speak as freely as we’d like, so feel free to tell me whatever you like. Do you particularly enjoy pictures of my pubic hair? It might help to let me know, before I trim it all down to a subtle fuzz for you. Are you a fan of feet? I’ll be extra sure to put on fresh polish and pick out some peep toe pumps for you. I’m not out to be all that vulgar, but as you may imagine there are some erotic acts that require a little more forethought and timing than others…
This is not at all to say that I prefer to leave the finer points of the evening all up to someone else’s control, but I only aim to please. If there’s something particular that you have your heart set on incorporating into our evening, just let me know… and I’ll be sure to make full use of my creativity around that 🙂
EXXXOTICA NJ DAY 2 brought to you by PornHub